2018, An update on the year so far.

Well here we are, two weeks into 2018 and it already has been a very challenging year.

It started off same as any other year except that I was sick as a dog, had the sickness and diarrhoea bug that was going about so I felt awful. To top that off the little one was ill as well she had her one-year injections and had a nasty reaction to them, so she was really out of sorts as well. That was a fun start to the year.

Then things got a little bit worse on the 8th the wife went back to work only to be told that the company that she worked for has gone into administration and that as of two pm that day she was unemployed. Not just her but she worked in the office with my dad, so he’s unemployed as well.


So that makes two of us out of work and now worrying about how to pay the rent at the end of the month. So that’s fun.

Then a few days later when talking to one of my best friends she also told me that she has been made unemployed as well.

There must be something in the air or the water that is causing all of this shite to go down at the same time.


Now because of this, I have had to do something I swore I would never do again. I’ve applied for jobs working in call centre.

For those that don’t know I have worked in call centres for 15 years, I’ve served my time, and I swore that I would never go back, but alas needs must. I know that I can walk into any call centre job if I wanted to I just haven’t. Because the last time I did work in a call centre I was so stressed, I fell into depression and tried to kill myself. One morning I was so low that the thought of stepping in front of the approaching train was more appealing to me than going into the office.

It was a dark time for me, and I barely survived it. The only way I did was with the help of an extraordinarily amazing person. And if you are reading this you know exactly who you are.

So I am now setting myself up to head back down that way again, but this time I have someone to keep me grounded and who I am going to be fighting for.

The Midget.


Wish me luck for the phone interview tomorrow.


Anyway, on a slightly happier note in the last week, I passed a landmark that WordPress doesn’t feel is significant enough to notify me about.

This week I broke the barrier and now have over three hundred followers here on WordPress, so I want to say thank you to all of you who made this possible.

I know three hundred isn’t really anything in the grand scheme of things and compared to most of you reading this its bugger all really. But for me it’s a big deal so again I want to say thank you to everyone on here and also thanks for sticking around even though I have been really quiet on here for the last month or so. I’m sure not many people noticed I was gone.


Also today I got the notification that two years ago today I started this blog.

The reason I started, it was a place to post stories that I had written and had nowhere else to put them, and hopefully entertain one or two people, but it has evolved into so much more than that over the last two years.


I have made friends on here that I never thought I would, I have inspired people to set up their own blogs, and who are now skyrocketing to popularity and success in ways, I can only hope to achieve one day.

I may have helped set you on the journey, you have outpaced me and overshadowed me, and I could not be prouder.

You know who you are.


I have friends on here that I would never have had the opportunity to meet without this.

So two years on from when I started the blog has changed, I have changed. I don’t know where I’m going with this anymore or how long I’ll be here, but yeah I’m here for now and thank you for the last two years, and we will see where we go from here.

12 thoughts on “2018, An update on the year so far.

  1. Suze says:

    hang in there. That horrid call center may have changed over the past couple of years…well, at least you have changed. It is work. a paycheck. let that be the end all of it. You have that gorgeous child to come home to and that, my dear, is your purpose now. 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Cyranny says:

    Dear Colin,

    Life has indeed not been sweet with you the past two weeks, and I sure hope it is just giving you all the sh*t it has in store for you first, to then let you have it a lot smoother with the months to come… I know how you tried to avoid having to go back to a calling center, but I know your love for the Little One will help you hang on until you can leave for something more interesting and less stressing for you…

    You don’t need luck tomorrow, you are a warrior! I know you can get that job, even if you don’t really want it… I’ll be thinking of you and sending you my best thoughts!!

    Take good care… Big warm hugs

    P.S. Always there if you need to vent… you know? 🙂 xx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. cariboucrossingsak says:

    Thanks for the update, my friend. I hope for your sake you get the job and maybe, just maybe, it’ll be more tolerable this time around. I know it must be hard for you, since you are a fixer and you take the problems of others onto your own shoulders. You’ve just got to remember (as hard as it will be) you cannot do that in a call center situation. Save the saving for friends and family who need you 😊


  4. kirascribbled says:

    You have my congratulations and condolences. I’m greatly hoping that a surprise blessing is around your corner and I know you can handle the call center, the difference is now it is only temporary, just a stepping stone to something better.
    I thank you again for all your wonderful encouragement and friendship. It has always meant a lot to me. ☺

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Colin says:

      Thank you Kira it means a lot, I hope you are right and something is around the corner.
      You always have my encouragement, support and friendship. You’re awesome and incredibly (some would say unfairly with the amount) talented.

      Liked by 1 person

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